‘En’ is a concept of fate and coincidence; like gravity, it is a force that pulls people and situations together.


March 12, 2018

Hi there! My name is Martina, but most people call me Maru. I grew up in Switzerland, currently studying Japanology and Environmental Science at the University of Zuerich. I love to travel, and the first time I came to Japan was as a high school exchange student in Osaka. I soaked up one year’s worth of Japanese experience (and some serious Kansai-dialect) and decided that it wasn’t enough, which is why I am back for another year in Miyazaki.

The life off the beaten track here in Miyazaki is totally different from the big city life in Japan, and that’s why I love it! I hope I can show you the Miyazaki that I fell in love with, with its beautiful nature, rich history and legends, delicious food, people that treat you like family, great surf, amazing life quality and just a lot of good vibes. Let’s explore Miyazaki together!